Tullis Russell - Fife Taskforce

Support for employees has been provided through the Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) and includes access to state benefits; careers information, advice and guidance, job search, and employability support, business start-up advice. The Scottish Government has committed funds to support the Fife taskforce to respond to this and a wider set of challenges in mid Fife. This will involve working with those affected by recent redundancies, and ensuring that the workforce remains competitive through retraining and up-skilling. 

The following individuals will be eligible for FTTF training:

1. Employees of Tullis Russell Papermakers who became unemployed on or after the 26th April 2015.
2. Current employees of Tullis Russell Papermakers.
3. Other unemployed individuals who were not Tullis Russell employees but whose unemployment can be clearly attributed to Tullis Russell Papermakers going into administration.
4. Employees residing anywhere affected by Fife Joinery Manufacturing, Tesco, Sphere & Turret and other major redundancies within Fife since October 2014.

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