Fife Business Diversity Awards 2021

  • When: 02 June 2021 at 11:44 - 30 July 2021 at 11:44

⭐We are delighted to announce that nominations are now open for Fife Business Diversity Awards 2021 ⭐


Fife Business Diversity Awards 2021 will recognise Individuals, Organisations and Businesses in Fife who have achieved success in increasing employment opportunities for people who face disadvantages in the labour market.

FBDA 2021 highlights people who have achieved success in the world of work by overcoming significant challenges due to personal issues, disability, health conditions, lack of work experience, skills or qualifications.  

The Awards also acknowledge the contributions of employers, training and employment agencies in their efforts to support and create equal opportunities for all in the workplace



We are looking for your nominations in the following categories:



(Youth, Adult, Health/Disability)

For individuals who have shown determination and undertaken a range of activities such as personal development and vocational training, completing qualifications, voluntary work and work trials as they progress towards finding a paid job.  Individuals will have overcome challenges or barriers arising from personal, family, financial, health or social impacts in pursuit of their goals.



For individual employers or companies who provide a positive and inclusive work environment.  In this category, we are looking for employers who provide training, support and work opportunities that helps them develop a diverse workforce that includes people who may face disadvantages in finding and staying in work.  Their workforce may include people with disabilities or health conditions, people who have been long term unemployed, care experienced young people, single parents, migrants or veterans.




For any individual, group, business or organisation who have developed a new Employability idea or new methods of working in the Employability field to improve opportunities for people who are disadvantaged in the labour market such as employer incentives, publicity, staff and employer equality awareness training, workplace schemes or empowerment training.


For more information or for a separate copy of our nomination form please contact us on


Or find us on Facebook @FifeCouncilSES


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