Let's Meet .... John McFarlane
Published:03 February 2025
Let’s Meet ......
John McFarlane Employer Engagement Co-ordinator – Employability
How long have you been with Fife Council and how long with Employability Services?
I have been with Fife Council for 36 years, previously Fife Regional Council - always working in Employability /Education. In the early days I worked in Education Post 16, this was before Employability under Local Government Reorganisation 1995 moved into Economic Development. Prior to Fife Regional Council I worked with Buckhaven Parish Church Agency as Enterprise Manager for four years.
How has Employability Services changed, if at all?
Employability always will be a changing landscape, Governments both National and Local have their own priorities when it comes to Skills Development/Training and the needs of the Communities they serve. In Fife while our focus is always on the individual client, a person-centred approach, the changes in local industry have seen the need for adaption in Upskilling/ Re Skilling with the move towards evolving market demands. The transition from Oil & Gas into Renewable & Clean Energy (Energy Skills Passport) along with Digital Skills will also provide opportunities as we move from just transition to net zero.
What team are you currently with? What is your role today?
How has your role changed over the past 5 years?
I currently sit in the Fife Job Contract Team however my role as Employer Engagement Co-ordinator means I cross most of Business & Employability, working in collaboration with colleagues and other partner agencies including the third sector organisations we endeavour to make Fife a better place to live work and develop.
We have achieved this over the years by working together with a Team Fife approach to facilitate both clients and businesses to reach their maximum potential.
What has been the most memorable moment during your time with your employability team?
I have had many memorial moments too many to mention. Probably the occasions that spring to mind was collapse of Tullis Russell in 2017, where including the supply chain there was a loss of 500 Jobs. This was devasting for both the workforce and the local communities, I was given the Lead from Employability and along with colleague's PACE/partners we took the Team Fife approach over the space of two years we delivered positive outcomes for the clients affected.
One other achievement that comes to mind was the Rising Stars Programme which gave both me and the fantastic team so much satisfaction. I was given the task by then Head of Service, Robin Presswood to develop a programme to support Care Experienced young people. Over the years, the team worked incredibly hard to develop a sustainable programme to support these venerable young people into a positive destination, this led to the Gold Award at the Fife Business Diversity Awards.
Would you say employability is a good choice of career?
Finally, I have always felt privileged to work in Employability. Working with great Teams, over the years we have been given the opportunity to support clients, change lives while creating an environment that supports good mental health and wellbeing.
If you are an employer our one of our Service Directorates, we can support you for recruitment, we can help promote additional jobs, Modern Apprenticeships and provide support on multiple fronts. For eligible clients there may be funding support available. If you would like more information, drop us an email at – FJC@fife.gov.uk