

Fife’s vision is aligned to the Fife Community Wealth Building vision to create a fairer and more inclusive local and regional economy that delivers economic, social, and environmental justice for the citizens of Fife.  Draft_Plan_for_Fife_2021.pdf ( This will be achieved through the Community Wealth Building Ambition to Enhance local wealth and create fair jobs and maximise the potential of all places through working in partnership with communities and businesses.

The scale of the challenge facing Fife’s communities following the Covid-19 pandemic points to the need for a refocus around renewal and clear leadership to support common purpose across the system as a whole. As a result, the Plan for Fife have identified three key priorities for recovery and renewal, all supported by an overarching approach of community wealth building:

  • Leading economic recovery
  • Tackling poverty and preventing crisis
  • Addressing the climate emergency

What Success Will Look Like:

  1. The current unemployment level of 4.3% will reduce
  2. The current employment rate of 71.4% will increase
  3. The number of citizens with no qualifications 5.9% will reduce

Priority Groups:

  1. Young People
  2. Disabled people/those with health issues
  3. Females
  4. Parents
  5. People with convictions
  6. People living in 0-15% SIMD Areas


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Europe & Scotland - European Regional Development Fund