Job support

Looking for a job?

If you're looking for work or hoping to change job, search advice, CV & interview tips and explore different industries to kick start your career.

CVs and applications 

From CVs to application forms, cover letters and how to present yourself in an interview, My World of Work offers all the help you need to start your job application. 

Job interviews

My World of Work have put together all the tips and advice you need to interview with confidence 

How to search for jobs

Get started with your job hunt with where to start looking and types of opportunities to get you on the career ladder

How to get work experience 

Experience the world of work and find out what it's like to work in different industries with this guide from My World of Work

Take the Skills Assessment

Unlock your transferable skills and find out about careers that might be right for you by taking the National Careers Service Skills Assessment.

Take the Skills Health Check 

Help decide which job might be right for you with the National Careers Service Skills Health Check, designed to help you explore your skills, interests and motivations